WOOTS!!!  It was Friday morning...time for the big adventure. We piled all our stuff in the van and headed to Ohio....no easy feat you'll know if you've ever traveled with a kid with disabilities!  We arrive at our destination about 4 1/2 hours later, go eat dinner, and head over to the convention center.  As we are walking through the doors they made the announcement that Norman had been able to work out his conflicts and would be appearing Saturday and Sunday as originally planned!  Excitedly, Justin started signing the name sign he has for "Norman" and then I get excited....then I get not so excited!  The book I'd made him and the small gifts Justin wanted to give him (a skull necklace just like one he has himself and a couple of toys for EITD) were at home...in Indiana!  

I quickly go into problem solving mode.  How long will it take me to get back home and then back here to the hotel?  Was it worth it to try?  Should I just plan to return next week instead?  I think it was kind of a done deal when Justin heard that he would be there.  I had no real choice but to make the long trek back home and get the gifts and then return later this afternoon.

We walked around a bit and returned to the hotel about 9:00 and I did the hour long routine to get Justin ready for bed, and then perform my half hour routine to get ready; settle myself into the nice cozy bed; and then listen to Justin yak and yak.....until almost 1:00!  Finally....I look over and he's asleep...knees in my back....but asleep!  Then I try to get to sleep, but I don't know if it was the 6 hour energy shot I took 15 hours earlier or just the excitement of the whole shebang but sleep wasn't happening for this chick!  Finally about 2:00 A.M. I dozed off, only to roll over about 4:22 and see Justin's eyes WIDE OPEN! No amount of coaxing would make him close his eyes and go back to sleep!  

So now, at 6:00 A.M. I'm just about to head out the door and travel back home.  We'll rest about an hour once we get there and then head back out the door again!  I think me and I-70 are going to become good friends this weekend!  

(To be continued......)
Kinsey B.
9/20/2013 08:42:49 pm

That's so exciting, have a safe trip back home.


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