We're home; Justin's settled into bed; and I should be getting that way too. But the whole weekend has finally gotten to me.  That's just the way I am:  I keep my shit together until it's all over, then I fall apart.

We got to do three photo ops with Norman.  The first was with the Dixon Brothers! That's his little brother on the left! Justin and Micheal seem to be about to beat the crap out of someone, don't they?

Justin had the time of his life! He made all kinds of creatures stop and pose with him! I think he might have single handedly saved this universe and the Star Wars universe.  He made a storm trooper say he was a nice guy; made friends with a jawa;  fought off the bad guys with the green power ranger; convinced alien that he was just a big softie; learned that you can take down a wookie simply by running over his fur; met Rick and Dale, and fought alongside Batman!  But BEWARE!  He wouldn't have anything to do with Predator, so he may still be running amok somewhere! And more importantly, he hung out briefly with the Saints!

OMG! Could there be three more handsome men in the universe?!?!?!
Like I said, he had a blast!  You can just see the sparkle in his eyes! I think my son is now a comic con junkie! I sure we'll end up at more conventions as long as his health stays good! 

I made a statement at the beginning about falling apart.  Now for the reasons behind that...

#1.  I'm exhausted!
#2.  Twenty-five years of caring for Justin has left my body pretty beat up, so I have some pain from all the lifting, standing and walking of the weekend.
This man!

Norman didn't have time to read the scrapbook, so he still didn't have any clue how incredibly important he is in Justin's life when this picture was taken!  And even if he never reads it, it won't matter because I KNOW what he's done for Justin.  And you can see it in J's eyes!  Maybe Norman will read the book and know; maybe he'll happen upon this website and read it; I don't know.

I think I'll have to finish this tomorrow because I'm sitting here typing and tears are flowing and I really can't see what's getting written onto the computer...

Love you all!
Juanett Harris
9/22/2013 03:07:23 pm

J looks so happy in all of his pictures, it looks like he had a blast! My fiancé uses a wheelchair so I know how tiring going to events like this can be. But it's an experience you'll always cherish. You stay strong for J but sometimes you have to just let it out. ((Hugs))
I am glad to hear you guys made it home safe. Try to get some much needed rest!
Love ya!

Megan Warren
9/22/2013 08:01:09 pm

What a great story! Stay strong! You and J have inspired me:)

Charmane May
9/22/2013 09:09:35 pm

This moved me more than I can tell! What a great time you guys had! I feel as if I were there with you! What a wonderful experience! Thank you thank you thank you for sharing this!

Evelyn Dennis
9/22/2013 09:27:13 pm

I'm moved to tears.. You are an amazing woman, mother and a fabulous Norman fan. J is so lucky to have you. The pictures are awesome and J looks so happy. I'm so glad . Stay strong my friend.

9/23/2013 08:33:28 am

I am so happy for you and your boys. J has a sparkle and glow in his eyes and face. You are an amazing woman and more amazing mother. I am proud to have met you on twitter and to have gotten to know you and about ur dedication an love for ur son. I have never met anyone like you. Norman has always been my biggest inspiration and helping u get this website going has been a pleasure. Something else you have done is become an even bigger INSPIRATION to me. Thank you for everything. YOUR FRIEND FOR LIFE! LOVE YOU HUGS

Sandra Hanan
9/24/2013 09:50:20 am

As much as it took out of you, you and your son both obviously had an amazing experience that was also a very joyous one. I'm so glad you guys were able to have this experience, the memories are something you'll always have to treasure


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